
3/30 桜祭り開催 2024.3.30(土) 13:00~

2024年3月30日開催 桜祭りのお知らせ Sakura Matsuri on March 30, 2024

(※)DAY賞(Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award)は、今年は3名の方に贈られます。
This Alumni Association’s “Sakura Festival” is a comprehensive annual event, comprising the General Assembly, the Distinguished Alumni of the Year Awards, and a semicentennial celebration of graduation, which the class of 1974 is invited this year. All association officials and staff hope that many ICU alumni will return to the campus to enjoy the beautiful campus and renew old friendships.
(※)DAY Award (Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award) is going to be presented to three alumni this year.

参加をご希望の方は委任状をご提出下さい(下記 「参加申込」 最後行を参照)。
The General Assembly will be live-streamed. The streaming is one way and viewers are not able to vote in polls.  Those who would like to make a vote should submit a proxy in advance. (See the attendance form.)


2024年3月30日(土)開始 13:00   開場 12:30


大学礼拝堂にて 同窓会総会、DAY賞表彰式、卒業50周年記念式典


懇親会参加費: 卒業生/成人2、000円、ICU在学生:1,000円、同伴中高大学生:1,000円、小学生以下:無料
Fee for tea party: graduate/adult: JPY2,000, university/high school student: JPY1,000, elementary school student/preschooler: free of charge
※The class of 1974 as well as graduates of Summer 2023 and Spring 2024 are free of charge.



Note: Please submit the attendance form below whether or not you are going to participate in the General Assembly by filling in the following form.
Due: March 22 (Fri)



※If you are one of the class of 1974, please use another form on the invitation sent to you.


If you’d like to send your participation information by email/post, please write the following.
*出席者氏名とname (in alphabet)(必須 mandatory)
*期/卒業年/ID最初の2桁 year of graduation/ID(必須 mandatory)
family name at the time of graduation (if different from the current one)
*連絡先 contact number/address(必須 mandatory)
*総会への出欠 participation or not in the General Assembly(必須 mandatory)
*懇親会への出欠 participation or not in the tea party(必須 mandatory)
成人(同窓会員を除く):人数    学生/未成年:人数
accompanying person(s): if ICU graduate: name & year of graduation/ID
other adult: number of person(s),  student/under-age: number of person(s)
name of a person of your proxy if necessary


ICU同窓会事務局  ICU Alumni Association Office
aaoffice(at)icualumni.com    Change (at) to @ when using it.
TEL&FAX 0422-33-3320(Weekdays 10:00~12:00、13:00~17:00)
〒180-8585 東京都三鷹市大沢3-10-2 国際基督教大学 アラムナイハウス2F
2F of Alumni House of International Christian University,
3-10-2 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo, 180-8585



There may be some changes in the program according to the social circumstances.