DAY賞 (Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award) 2021受賞者決定!

ICU同窓会では、それぞれの分野で活躍され、大学および同窓会の魅力度・知名度を高めることに貢献した方々を、毎年「DAY (Distinguished Alumni of the Year)」として表彰しています。16年目となります2021年のDAY賞受賞者は以下の皆様です(敬称略)。表彰式は、2021年3月27日(土)開催の同窓会「桜祭り」にて行われる予定です。

鈴木 克明  SUZUKI, Katsuaki(25期 ID81)


Katsuaki Suzuki is one of the most renowned researchers in Japan in the field of instructional design. As a professor and Director of Research Center for Instructional Systems at Kumamoto University, as well as the president of Japan Society for Educational Technology, he has been successfully educating and training instructional designers in Japan, contributing to the effective use of technology especially when COVID-19 had forced schools to go online in 2020.

谷村 格 TANIMURA, Itaru(31期 ID87)


After joining McKinsey & Company in 1987, Itaru Tanimura ascended to Partner by 1999, founded M3 in 2000 as its CEO. M3 operates a specialized web portal for medical professionals, now with 290,000 members covering over 90% of physicians in Japan. Additionally, its overseas operations across 10+ countries have amassed a network of 5.9 million members, which account for roughly half of all 12 million physicians across the globe. Consolidated sales for FY2020 reached 130.9 billion yen, generated by M3’s 7,127 employees. Most recently in 2020, contribution via COVID-19 initiatives included projects such as "co-development and provision of an AI based CT imaging COVID-19 diagnostic tool with AliBaba, across 100 medical sites," "provision of a remote visitation system at visitation restricted hospitals, in collaboration with Sony," and "distribution of 2.5 million free face masks to medical sites."

児玉 治美 KODAMA, Harumi (35期 ID91/G1994)

アジア開発銀行(ADB) 駐日代表。フィリピン本部を経て、女性では歴代初の就任。小学校の後半、高校時代をアメリカで過ごした後ICUに入学、大学院まで進んで、国際関係を専攻。卒業後は参議院議員秘書を務め各国政府、国連、国際NGOなどとの交渉、広報などを担当の後国際NGO(ジョイセフ)に転職。そこでの実績が認められ、国連人口基金に誘われる。

Harumi Kodama is the first female representative of Asian Development Bank in Japan.  She spent half of her elementary school days and all of her highschool time in the U.S.A. It was only natural for her to choose ICU and ICU Graduate School where she majored in international relations. Her work career began as a legislative aide to a Member of Japanese Parliament, where she engaged in negotiations with various governments, UN and other international organizations, followed by JOICFP(international NGO), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) who recruited her in recognition of her achievements and then ADB.

酒井 里奈 SAKAI, Lina(39期 ID95)


After graduating from ICU, Lina Sakai joined a Japanese bank. After that, she changed jobs to a foreign securities company, but became interested in fermentation technology and entered the Department of Applied Biological Sciences, Tokyo University of Agriculture at the age of 32. Graduated in 2009. From the following year, she participated in a demonstration experiment of a rice ethanolization project using a fallow field in Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture. As a result of the demonstration experiment, she proposed to sell ethanol, which was not profitable as a fuel, as a raw material for cosmetics, and in 2013, she took over the business from the city's research business. Currently, in addition to selling ethanol made from organically grown rice and food waste as a raw material for cosmetics, she also manufactures cosmetics and miscellaneous goods in-house. In 2019, her business was also selected for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's start-up company support program "J-Startup".

松崎 英吾 MATSUZAKI, Eigo(47期 ID03)

NPO法人日本ブラインドサッカー協会 専務理事 兼 事務局長。ICU3年生の時に、偶然ブラインドサッカーに出会いに衝撃を受ける。大学卒業後は、㈱ダイヤモンド社等一般企業に勤務。業務の傍らブラインドサッカーの手伝いを続けていたが、「ブラインドサッカーを通じて社会を変えたい」との想いで、2007年に退社し協会専属に。視覚障がい者と健常者が当たり前に混ざり合う社会を目指して奮闘中。

Eigo Matsuzaki is Managing Director and Executive Director of Japan Blind Football Association. During his ICU days, he happened to experience blind football and was impressed by it. He has supported activities even after his graduation while working for companies such as Diamond Inc.In 2007, Eigo quitted his job and joined Japan Blind Football Association as fulltime Executive Director. Since then Eigo is working hard to build the society where visually impaired persons naturally live together with visually able persons.



DAY selection Committee