DAY賞(Distinguished Alumni of the Year)2022年度が決定しました。

ICU同窓会では、それぞれの分野で活躍され、大学および同窓会の魅力度・知名度を高めることに貢献した方々を、毎年「DAY (Distinguished Alumni of the Year)」として表彰しています。17年目となります2022年のDAY賞受賞者は以下の皆様です。表彰式は、2022年3月26日(土)開催の同窓会「桜祭り」にて行われる予定です。(以下敬称略)


並木 浩一 Koichi Namiki 2期 1958年卒


Known as one of the most revered and accomplished theologists in Japan.  He also plays a role as the mentor for ICU alumni engaged in missionary, social works, and education at various Christian institutions.  His current literary works include "A Commentary on the Book of Job" and a series of authorship of the Old Testament.  His accomplishment is not limited to the publication of numerous dissertations, teaching, preaching, and missionary activities at ICU but also extends to the lectures, symposiums, and preaching at churches outside of ICU.  His unique scope of theological academism embraces sociology, politics, humanities, poetry, and Japanology which might have stemmed from the "liberal arts" nurtured at ICU.



東 哲郎 Tetsuro Higashi 16期、1973年卒


Former Chairman and President of Tokyo Electron Limited.  During the ICU era, he mainly studied philosophy and economic history, and after graduating from ICU went on to graduate school at Tokyo Metropolitan University (Japanese economic history) and aspired to be a researcher.  However, after enrolling in graduate school for four years, he joined Tokyo Electron Limited, a venture company at the time, at the age of 27.  He was appointed president at the age of 46 and has grown the company into a global semiconductor manufacturing equipment manufacturer.  In addition to serving as chairman of industry groups in Japan and around the world, he has also served as chairman of the Semiconductor and Digital Industry Strategy Review Conference of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.  Awarded with the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star in 2020.  In April 2021, he was the first alum to write "My Personal History"(watashi no rirekisho) on the Nikkei Newspaper.


平井 一夫 Kazuo Hirai  27期 1984年卒

ICUで国際法を学び、1984年に卒業後CBS・ソニー(現 ソニー・ミュージックエンタテインメント)入社。1994年にソニーミュージックNYオフィス、その後ソニー・コンピュータエンタテインメント米国法人社長を経て、2007年ソニー・コンピュータエンタテインメント(現 ソニー・インタラクティブエンタテインメント)社長。2009年からソニー(現 ソニーグループ)EVP、2011年副社長、2012年からの社長兼CEO在任中に歴史的ターンアラウンドを実現。2018年会長、2019年よりソニーグループシニアアドバイザー。2021年『ソニー再生』刊行、全ての収益は子供の貧困や教育格差の解消のために自ら立ち上げた一般社団法人プロジェクト希望を通じて寄付される。ICU知名度向上、大学・同窓会活動にも大いに貢献。

Studied International Law at ICU. Joined CBS/Sony (now Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc. (SMEJ)) after graduation. Moved to SMEJ‘s New York office in 1994. Appointed President and Chief Operating Officer of Sony Computer Entertainment America in 1999 and became President and Group Chief Operating Officer of Sony Computer Entertainment (Now Sony Interactive Entertainment) in 2006.  In 2009, became EVP, Sony Corporation (Now Sony Group Corporation).  After appointed Executive Deputy President in 2011, promoted to President and CEO in 2012 whereby achieving a historic turn around.  He became Senior Advisor, Sony Group Corporation in 2019.  Published “Recreating Sony” (tentative title in English) in 2021 and all proceeds will be donated through ‘Project KIBO (Hope in English)’, which was launched by himself to eliminate child poverty and educational disparities.  Greatly contributed to increasing the ICU name recognition and actively contributed to ICU and Alumni Association activities.


井伊 雅子 Masako Ii 30期、1986年卒

医療経済学者、一橋大学大学院 国際・公共政策大学院教授。2005年から現職。アジア公共政策プログラム・ディレクターとしてアジアの若手官僚の育成に貢献してきた。質と財政の両立を計るプライマリ・ケアの構築や不確実性の下での医療に関する意思決定などを研究。コロナ禍で、感染対策に対応できるより良い医療制度構築に向けた提言などを積極的に発信。学外でも日本学術会議会員、NHK経営委員会委員、政府税制調査会委員などを歴任、多方面で活躍している。

Expert of Health Economics and Professor of Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Economics. Also Director for Asian Public Policy Program, School of International and Public Policy.  After ICU, she received Ph.D. in Economics at Wisconsin University Madison then joined the World Bank.  Her main research subjects are primary care with a balance between quality of healthcare and budget allocation, and healthcare under uncertain circumstances.  Since the Corona pandemic started, she has been proactively speaking out about a better medical care system to manage such situations.  She is also active beyond academic areas, including being appointed to Government’s tax commission member, member of Board of Governors for NHK etc.


大久保真紀 Maki Okubo  30期、1987年卒

ジャーナリスト、朝日新聞編集委員。I C U卒業後、同社入社。中国残留日本人が歩んだ厳しい人生、虐待を受けた子供たち、遺伝性難病の患者、性暴力の被害者、12歳で売春宿に売られてHIVに感染し、タイのNGOに保護された少女ら、「様々な社会的弱者の実態を長期間にわたって取材し、報じてきた」ことを高く評価され、2021年度の日本記者クラブ賞を受賞。1995年から受賞の日までに読者から届いた手紙が1554通ということから分かるように、それらの記事は読者の心に届き、大きな支持を得ている。

A journalist, Senior Staff Writer at the Asahi Shimbun Newspapers, the 2021 recipient of the Japan National Press Club Award, which is given to Japan's leading journalists.  She was highly praised for her "long-term coverage and reporting on the realities of societies.”  Her coverage targets include the Japanese children and women left behind in China after WWII, abused children, patients with hereditary intractable diseases, victims of sexual violence, and girls sold to brothels at the age of 12, infected with HIV, and sheltered by a Thai NGO.  As you see from the 1554 letters received from readers from 1995 to the date of the award, those articles have reached the hearts of readers and have received great support.


大塚 桃奈 Momona Otsuka 64期、2020年卒

高校3年時のイギリス留学をきっかけに、服を取り巻く社会問題に課題意識を持ち、ICU在学中もコスタリカ、スウェーデンなどに自ら留学。卒業後、徳島県・上勝町へ移住、現在株式会社BIG EYE COMPANYのChief Environmental Officer(CEO)として、公共複合型施設「上勝町ゼロ・ウェイストセンター WHY」を運営し、併設するホテルにはコロナ禍の中で年間1,200人の宿泊客を集める。2003年に自治体で初めて「ゼロ・ウェイスト宣言」をした人口約1,500人の上勝町で、日々のごみと向き合い、循環型社会の実現を目指す活動に伴走中。

Momona Otsuka is CEO (Chief Environmental Officer) of BIG EYE COMPANY, located in Kamikatsu-cho, a small town in Tokushima known for the Japan’s first town which made “zero waste” declaration in 2003. She is currently managing the town’s key facility for “zero waste” called Kamikatsu Zero Waste Center, consisting of recycling waste bins & stock yard, learning center, collaborative laboratory, and the accommodation facility, and has successfully gathered over 1,200 people from all over Japan in one year to the town with a population of 1,500.




DAY selection Committee


This article is revised at 10:39, 2021.12.8